A random girl's random gymnastics ramblings.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Genji Cho's Power Move

It's no secret that the International Gymnast message board is not the epitome of class.  Or wisdom.  Or spelling.  The board mostly consists of post-08 fans who believe Shawn invented gymnastics, or that Viktoria Komova is the next coming of Jesus.  However, amid the muck, there are some seriously creative people.

Prior to, oh, about a week ago, posters were labeled according to some dumb skills.  Like, a new poster would be a forward roll, a long-time poster would be a Yurchenko (or 'chenko, as Princess motherfucking Payson would say.)  Pretty basic, I don't need to spell it out for you.

But recently, posters were given the option to create their own user titles, and I have to admit, the results have been pretty hilarious.

*click to enlarge*

Maybe it's because most of them are MIOBI references.  Maybe it's because they're just fucking funny.  All that matters is that sometimes gym fans can be unique and creative, when given the chance to be so.  

Have any suggestions for more user titles?  Comment away.


  1. I'm really honored to be featured on your blog.

  2. Omg hey look it's me. :)!!!

  3. Where's Big Betty?

  4. I made the cut!!! Woo!

  5. I fucking love "Laid out Jordan" hahaha

  6. Hahah agree "Laid out Jordan" is the best.

  7. Where's Jan? She is usually everywhere!

  8. Where's Jan? She is usually everywhere!

  9. Where's Jan? She is usually everywhere!

  10. Oh my gosh, no one is Big Betty?

  11. Thanks Spanny, also honored to have made the cut!

    Spastic arm wave, kinda wish I'd thought of that one... these are so freaking awesome!!

    Megan (gymfan1079)

  12. big betty hahah. MIOBI is over but i hope to still see you doing your hilarious blogs about actual gymnastics, especially as we lead up to the olympics!

  13. @Catherine I believe there is someone whose "skill" is Jan!

  14. I made the cut twice! I got so excited I kept changing mine like, every 3 hours. Hahaha. These are all freaking awesome, though. ~PattyMelt

  15. my "Double Iranian" tag didn't work. I will do it again later...I call dibs! Kitty

  16. I'm getting a bit bored of Colleen Evans... Her gymnastics is like Patteron's and Ross's... I really wish I claimed "Laid out Jordan" before Rachael...

  17. "post-08 fans who believe Shawn invented gymnastics, or that Viktoria Komova is the next coming of Jesus"

    Couldn't have said it better myself!

  18. I have tried repeatedly to join IG, but it always gives the message out that I have been banned for all time for no reason. This happens to anyone who tries to register a new account. What is going on?

    1. Hmm...yes, this has happened to me a number of times when I've tried to register. I even wrote a message to the administrators but received no reply back. Funnily enough, my sister signed up recently and had no trouble whatsoever.
