A random girl's random gymnastics ramblings.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

i sound like someone put tap shoes on a horse and shot it.

I have a very short attention span.

I wanted to do a montage that I could finish relatively quickly.  I figured it was also a good time to goof around with some random effects that I'm no good at.  Plus, Pac Rim had some super cute fluff footage.  By the way, this song is stuck in my head at ALL TIMES.

Now it shall be stuck in yours.


  1. A. That's freaking hilarious. B. that bit where there is fuzzy freeze of JW standing back full in mid air. She looks like an airborne fetal kitten in a pink jumper!

  2. PolyisTCOandbannedJune 1, 2010 at 12:02 AM

    The song was actually originally in an episode of South Park that had a skiing theme. I think the words are slightly different there and even more appropriate, talking about a "sports training montage". Of course for TA, the montage was actually more one of commando training, rather than sports.
